Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sleep and A Lack There Of

So, for the last week or so I've been sleeping like shit. I lay awake, physically and mentally exhausted yet wide awake. When I do sleep it's only for an hour or two at a time and it's a restless sleep. Physically I'm fine, no bodily issues are keeping me up. Mentally... I'm unsure. I have no major worries that plague my thoughts, no one (or any, really) unanswered questions or stresses. Sure, the wedding is lurking in the back of my mind, but I'm neither worried nor excited about it at the moment. So what the fuck is wrong with me?

My fear is that this period of insomnia is the precursor to an episode of depression. I'd rather not spend the month in a fugue and I know my fiancée would probably feel better if I wasn't all mopey.

Anyways, for now I suppose I'll just continue mindlessly surfing the Internet and watching documentaries on Netflix. I've got to fall asleep downtime, right?

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