Monday, October 11, 2010

Rest In Peace, You Beautiful Peice of Shit

I met my car in 2004 at a dealership in Billings.  She was a 2001 Hyundai Tiburon, silver, and beautiful.  She cost $9400 used, with 56,000 miles on her.  She wasn't the fastest car, but she was sexy, easy on the fuel and girls loved her.  We drove all over Wyoming, Montana, and even once to Salt Lake City.  She never broke down and always started.  She got me through snow storms, long nights, love and loss.  I may have called her names and treated her like shit most of the time, but I loved that car.  She was my car, paid for by my hard earned cash (for the most part), and I thought I'd have her until she rusted to dust.
My Tiburon died on Saturday, October 9th in the Caras Park parking lot.  Unless she gets an engine transplant (for cheap) she's probably bound for the junkyard.  She will be missed.

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