Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Be Thankful

Yeah, it's on of those "Thanksgiving posts".  Deal with it.

I've always been pretty thankful for what I've had in life, even if I couldn't fully appreciate or even truly know what I had.  This Thanksgiving is different, I've got a lot to be thankful for (as usual), but the scope of it is enormous.

I'm thankful for my employer and the friend who helped me get the job.  You've improved my life immeasurably, giving me not only an income but something to channel my energy into.  I also have a lot less stress in my life now that I know where my next meal is coming from (aside from my wife's generosity).

I'm thankful for my sister and niece who have always been there for me, even at their own expense.  I will never be able to repay them for their kindness, support and generosity.  Seriously though, I know the approximate dollar figure and I probably will never be able to pay it back.

I'm thankful for my parents who, despite their prejudices, attended my heathen wedding.  While we almost never see eye to eye, they've always been there to catch me when I fall and remind me that while my head is in the clouds (or up my ass, according to my dad) I should keep my feet firmly on the ground.

I'm thankful for my internet friends who helped me when they had no reason to, other than a shared situation.  Your insight and words helped me find happiness.

I'm thankful for my Missoula friends for being my friends and not dismissing me as just "Wendy's boyfriend".  I don't make friends easily and it's nice to have them.  Your continued tolerance of my stupidity and immaturity astounds me, and I thank you for that.

Most of all I'm thankful to my wife, Wendy.  You found me when I was at my lowest, heaviest, poorest, and most pathetic yet still found something to love.  You became my first and best friend in this new and foreign place, showed me that somebody could love me for who I am.  You gave me a home when I was homeless, food when I was hungry, and companionship when I was lonely.  You agreed to marry me despite the fact I had nothing to offer you but my love.  I owe you my life, in more ways than one.  Thank you, for everything.

This Thanksgiving I'm a very thankful man, and you should be too.  Take a good hard look at your life and you'll agree, we all have a lot to be thankful for.  :)

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