Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lots of Shit

I've been a bad blogger, but I've got legitimate excuses this time.  Kind of.  We went on a 48 hour honeymoon, I got a job, and overall shit has been busy the last few weeks.  Now it's all starting to slow down and form a regular schedule, which I like.  So on with the rambling.

First off, the job.  As some of you know, I went to school to study television broadcasting.  It was, in my opinion at the time, a poor man's film school.  However, I fell in love with television (and radio, to a lesser extent) and pined away at getting a job in television after my schooling ended.  A year and a half later and thanks to a friend, I'm working in television.  I am a Master Control Operator for a hub of local/regional stations.  It's a good job and I like it, and if you know me then you know how rarely I say that I like a job (in fact, this may be the first time).  I'm pretty excited about it and I'll talk your ear off about it if you let me.  That being said, let's move on.

Wendy and I now have a two income household (see above), so it's time to think about the future.  With a gross increase of 80% to our cash flow the possibility of getting a larger apartment, a new car, or other things has opened up and I intend on capitalizing on some of them in the next year or so.  Especially the "other things" category, in which progress has already begun.  Mostly I'm stoked about the stability this income provides, and that I finally feel like I'm pulling my weight in this relationship instead of continuing my favored position of Professional Freeloader.

So far marriage feels exactly as it did before.  Nothing is different aside from the lump of black alloy-based ceramics that encases my finger, trapping water and destroying my flesh.  And even that is getting better every day.  The reasoning behind this, as I discovered today, is because of the fundamental nature of Wendy and I's relationship.  We met as two lonely people looking for companionship and we became friends instantly.  Soon that friendship matured and we became honest-to-goodness best friends.  That, I believe is the secret to our relationship.  No matter what, we always have been and always will be friends on the most basic of levels.  For some strange reason, knowing that I made a life long best friend and that I get to spend the rest of eternity with my best friend means everything to me.  I love her more than anything, and I am so happy to be her husband, her lover, and her friend.

And I think I'm going to end this here, because none of what I wrote made any damn sense.  It's late, I'm tired, and I shouldn't blog just because I was inspired to by others.  However, it was a good catch up post and I'll try to write something a bit more focused tomorrow.

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