Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Strange Dreams

It's been kind of a surreal day.

This morning I had a dream in which I watched a monk in robes spray himself in the eyes with a flammable liquid then light it aflame.  If that wasn't a horrifying enough image, the fire quickly went out and the monk reapplied the spray and lit himself up again.  Why was he doing this?  Because some developers were tearing down the old fancy pants hotel that he used to hold meetings at.  I've seen some fucked up things in my life, but it took my dreams to burn the image of a monk with flaming eyes into my brain.  It freaked me out so much that I had to get out of bed, I couldn't go back to sleep.

Then later this morning I had brunch with a friend from high school, Dan.  I haven't seen Dan in years and he was on his way back home from PAX, so we decided to meet up at Finnegan's.  It was really nice talking to him, I haven't had the best of contact with my friends from high school due to a strict policy of just forgetting to call folks.  The conversation took my back ten years, and was a little strange in a good way.  I tried to convince him to come up in the spring for MisCon 25, so we'll see how that goes.

Other than that, I've just been in this kind of strange head-space where nothing really seems concrete or corporeal.  I think my lack of sleep has been keeping me in a waking dream of sorts all day.  I did get a little bit of crafting done, though I continued to curse my cordless Dremel for being a nutless piece of shit.  All I asked of it was to drill a couple pilot holes and it barely completed the job.  I think I put a good cordless drill on our wedding registry (hint, hint).  Anyways, now all I need is some wood stain and I'll have a nice spreader bar.  I kind of wish I had some brass or copper end caps and bigger eye-bolts, it would look really nice but would require a real drill.  I could go on and on (and I did, then edited it out), but I think I'll save that for a special post all of it's own.

Anyways, I'm a little pissed off a the gym right now.  Wendy and I tried to go get in some cardio yesterday after she got off work but our key-cards wouldn't open the door.  There were other people in there so I know the doors were working just fine, and we're payed up through October so there's no reason why our key-cards shouldn't work.  I stopped by today to bitch about it but I couldn't find the attendant on duty.  We'll swing by today after work and see if it was just a glitch, but if they don't work again then we're going to have to go in tomorrow and kick in some heads.

Well, I'm out of steam and I'm still operating in this fog of sleepiness so I'll call that the rant of the day.  Have a good one.


  1. I have a shitty drill you can borrow. It sounds like it'll be better than the shitty dremel you have. Also, we game at a guy's house, and he has some truly kick ass tools. I might be able to con him into letting me borrow them. I love crafting (especially things like you describe)! We should have a kinky craft night.

  2. Actually, a kinky craft night would be awesome. I've got a couple of things I'd like to make that don't cost much but I just don't have the tools or space to do it.
