Friday, December 31, 2010

New Beginnings and Old Memories

I haven't blogged in a goodly while, and while I apologize to my non-existent readership, I can't promise I'll do better.  Being employed has taken up more of my time than I expected, leaving me less time to interface with the new wife, which leaves me even less time for personal things like reading, video games, and writing.  I haven't had a normal full time job (excluding summer jobs) since 2006, so I'm in unfamiliar territory.  I've never been good at time management so a lot of things just don't get the time they deserve, my wife included.  Anywho, enough about time, let's talk about time!

That's right, it's New Year's Eve.  Whoop-de-fucking-doo.  I know it's supposed to be this time of change and renewal, and all that jazz, but anymore it just means I have to remember to write not only a new month but a new year on my checks as well.  But I suppose we can do that "year in remembrance" thing.

Twenty-ten was a year of ups and downs.  Lots of them.  I'd normally say more downs than ups, but considering how well off I am at the moment I'd have to go with ups being at least equal to downs, if not pulling ahead.  In terms of change, the ups take it hands down, but it was a come from behind victory.  I'd list actual events, but I have no concept of time at all, and coupled with my notoriously bad memory, I can't remember when shit actually happened, how it happened, and if it happened at all.  (Pro Tip: Make up a bullshit story about me owing you a favor and chances are I'll buy it just because I assume that I forgot all about it.)

As for the year to come, well I'm not really sure what to expect.  A bigger apartment would be nice, but that will cost more.  Having a child would be fucking awesome, but that too costs more.  And both, well that would just about bankrupt my ass despite the latter requiring the former.  Really, all I hope to accomplish is getting my shit straight and setting Wendy and I on a good track forward.  Our future goals are well within grasp if we can just keep our shit together long enough to obtain them.  You want a New Year's resolution?  How about making a long term life plan and sticking to it.  That's my resolution.

On a related note, I'm going to take a stand against this middle of winter new year shit.  Why not spring?  I remember reading somewhere (and I'm sure some of you can confirm/correct me on this) that the beginning of spring used to be when pre-christian folks would celebrate the new year.  I like that idea: lots of warmth, regrowth, and new beginnings.  So if you really want to celebrate the new year with me, wait 3 or 4 months, then we'll party.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog you have here. Started reading because I'm working on a Fallout costume, and continued on to learn of your insomnia and flaming monk dreams.

    Usually underwhelmed by most blogs, but not so here. Keep up the commentary!
