Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tubby Bitch No More!

First, look at this dude:

That's Lou Fucking Ferrigno.  Some know him as IFBB Mr. America 1969 and Mr. Universe 1973, others know him as television's The Incredible Hulk, and my friend Wess knows him as God.  Regardless of how you are acquainted with Mr. Ferrigno, he was (and pretty much still is) a buff, sexy mother fucker.

Now look at this dude:

That's me.  Sure, he gets the occasional sexy chick, but they're almost always forced into the situation (and pity sex is never cool).  How I landed my wife is beyond me, and it sure wasn't with studly good looks.  That's because when we met I was a stout 382 pounds of lardass.  That's right folks, I was damn near the size of three healthy human beings.  Or one Hutt, giver or take a couple pounds.

Thankfully, a rigorous workout schedule consisting of lots and lots of nookie and a bit of newly gained personal pride managed to whittle away at that Hutt-like physique and drop me down to a low of 304 lbs (in 4 months, none-the-less!).  Unfortunately, since then I've gotten lazy and ballooned back up to 330 lbs as of today.  And while I no longer have to work hard to impress chicks (the titanium carbide ceramic ball-and-chain around my finger takes care of that) I still dream of one day approaching Ferrigno levels of sexy, muscular buff-ness.  And that journey begins now.

Today I go back to the gym and I'm going to hit the weights, hard.  My plan, for the moment, is to build muscle and strength and when I'm feeling good about my progress and have something worthy of uncovering, I will begin to chip away at the layers of blubber, exposing the marble Adonis beneath.  Or more likely, the slightly less fat guy who can actually lift a house cat without pulling something.  Either way, I refuse to be Jabba anymore.  I refuse to have creaky knees.  I refuse to stop sex because I'm too damn out of shape to finish.  I refuse to be another fat American.

And really, if I don't take a stand now I'm looking at a heart attack and type 2 diabetes before long.  And one thing is for damn sure, I absolutely fucking refuse to be that 35 year old fat fucker who needs the electric scooter at walmart.  Fuck that shit, it ends now.

1 comment:

  1. It's the Incredible Lou Ferrigno :-) hahaha I love that you posted him, I love that you outed me as a Ferrigno freak, and I totally think you can shed or build whatever you want to man! Just keep working at it...small goals lead into big goals!
