Friday, March 25, 2011

The End or Just a Continuation?

I haven't posted in a long while, but that hasn't been for lack of things going on.  Today I'm here to voice some personal feelings on a personal issue, mostly just to get them out of my head.

My wife and I decided we'd like to try and have a kid shortly after we got married (about 5 months ago).  Knowing that she had some previous medical issues that could raise problems we consulted a doctor.  And that doctor refereed us to another doctor who referred me to another doctor.  A sperm doctor.  And it turns out that I don't have any.

Sperm, that is, not doctors.  I'm sterile, seedless, infertile.

We had planned for most eventualities, and not having a kid was one of them.  And logically, the pros and cons of having a kid versus not having one all evened out, so there's not too much lost.

Except my manhood.  And I feel very silly for saying that, but it's true.

I never had any concept of myself as a manly man, I never had any manly pride until I met Wendy.  She gave me a reason to feel proud, to be a man, and to be proud of being a man.  Eventually that manly pride became overwhelming and I cut it back, put myself in place, trimmed shit up all nice and neat.  However, this event has shown me that I still have a large degree of that silly pride, and it's now wounded.  I feel like less of a man, like an incomplete person.  Can't be too tough if your gun's loaded with blanks, know what I mean?

And it's all very fucking silly.  Of all the shit I could be upset with about in my life, I'm dragged into depression over not being able to have kids.

That hurts more than I'd like to admit.

I wanted a child of my own.  I wanted to give my wife a child.  I wanted (and here's more of that stupid manly pride) to give my father an heir.  I wanted to prove myself as a father, raise a good child who would go on to be happy and bring others happiness.  And now I can't, most likely.

In the end, there's still the urologist.  The problem might be fixable, and I shouldn't be this fucked up over it.

But I am.